It was the early morning of a cloudy day, after the thunderstorm in the night before. Though the weather was cold but she kept standing at the opened window, looking at the front lake and letting the gentle breeze come through.
She could not sleep last night. She was waiting for someone. He has journeyed to the south and promised to return in the beginning of winter when the colour of lake become pale blue. She supposed he was arriving home last night but she could not reach him due to the storm.
It was already winter but the colour of water still sapphire. She did worry but did not despair.
She lit up the candle in a moment later. The light of candle reflected surrounding colours, and threw a lovely fragrance throughout the dark cold room. It was not the candle that making room alive, but truly her heart.
The sunshine was coming down through the gap of the clouds. In a short while, the lake colour began changing to the pale blue. Alhamdulillah.